About Louise Neathery



Louise Neathery Art Bio


Security - Harmony - Timelessness

To view a painting by Louise Neathery is to be visually captivated by a sensual splendor, and to be instantly aware of the spiritual vitality of her work. Whether her subject matter is a vignette of nature, a still-life, or a French landscape, her Neo- impressionist interpretation through the oil paint medium is a resplendent celebration of the unity and power of nature as it reflects its Creator.
Neathery’s rich surfaces convey the illusion of movement through her expressive brushstrokes and her concordant color sense. Her paintings are an eloquent interweaving of color values combined with the exuberant vitality of her subject matter , and provide an uplifting, emotional experience for the viewer. Through her superb painting technique, Neathery’s images evoke a sense of security, of harmony, and of timeless tranquility..


Background Story

After studying art in Paris, both at the Louvre and in a private studio, Neathery proceeded to earn her BFA degree at Denison University in Ohio. Subsequently, she pursued her study of painting and design at the Art Institute in Chicago and the Instituto de Allende in San Miguel, Mexico.
The prolific and evocative canvasses of Louise Neathery embody her passion for the elements of nature and her love of the countryside, Her vast travel experiences provide a worldly perspective to her work. Of her paintings, Neathery says, “Color has such emotional power! I use that energy in my landscapes and floral compositions to celebrate the wonders and depths of the natural world. Through my art, I aspire to portray the universal truth and spiritual reality of creation.”


About Louise Neathery Artist
Louise Neathery Art Awards



  • Best of Show, Naperville, IL
  • Best Painting, Oak Park, IL
  • Best of Show, South Bend, IN
  • Honorable Mention, Des Plaines, IL
  • Honorable Mention, Barrington Art Gallery, IL


  • Wausau Insurance Co., WI
  • Amoco Oil Co., IL
  • Washington National Insurance Co., IL
  • Del Rio Restaurant, Highwood, IL
  • Gorton Community Center, IL
  • Aspiris Hospital, Wausau, WI